Free Microsoft Office Training Tutorial Resources Online

Microsoft Office is by far the most popular office suite that provides many features such as word processing, web publishing, spreadsheets and database creation. Tapping into these Microsoft Office resources, however, is not always easy and straightforward, leaving users stumped and puzzled.

So where can you find out how to use and perform these great features in Microsoft Office? Below I have listed some great, free resources for help with Microsoft Office.

Free Online Training Tutorials
There are a number of websites that offer free online Microsoft Office training tutorials. These training tutorials range from quick tips and tricks, to step-by-step instructions with screenshots to video tutorials. To find free online training tutorials, do a Google search (or any other search engine for that matter) for [free online training tutorials].

Microsoft Corporation’s Knowledge Base
It’s always good to get information first hand from the horse’s mouth, right? Well, to find out about Microsoft Office, go to the Microsoft website. There they offer tips and tricks on how to use Microsoft Office products, have a huge knowledgebase of frequently asked questions, any related patches to update or fix current application functionality, and even offer additional free downloads of templates and other tools to use with Microsoft Office applications. You can find the features just mentioned on the Microsoft website at for Windows PC users and for Apple Macintosh users.

Computer Help Bulletin Boards and Forums
People like to help. Pure and simple. Message boards are proof of this concept. Every day thousands of people log onto message boards and ask questions and receive prompt, free advice and answers. There are all kinds of message (bulletin) boards out there that specialize in computer software. One I’ve found that I like is They have users from all kinds of technical backgrounds with advice on just about every software application imaginable. They require membership to post a message (most forums and message boards do), but it is a quick and easy process. There are other computer training message boards out there, just do a Google search for [software forum] and you’ll be on your way.

Microsoft Office Training CDs
Not too many Microsoft Office training CDs are available for free, but there are a few available. For instance, Video Professor offers a wide variety of computer training resources for some of the most popular word processing, spreadsheet, database and graphics packages around. They have Microsoft Office training CDs for most of the Microsoft Office application packages. They offer you one free training CD, in the hopes that you will want to buy others. You can find the Video Professor website at

College and University Website Searches
Some of the best resources for computer help of any kind are college and university websites. They usually have instructions for faculty and staff on how to do computer functions from the most basic to quite advanced. They also provide screen shots lots of times that show you step by step how to perform a particular function. Some colleges have the latest technology like Microsoft Office XP (2003), but some universities still have Microsoft Office 2000 or even Microsoft Office 97, so no matter what version of Microsoft Office you have, there is most likely a free college or university resource where you can find useful information.

Microsoft Office Application’s Built-in Help Feature
By far, the quickest place to get help on using a Microsoft Office application is the built-in feature, Microsoft Help. Located on your menu bar, it is easy to access and doesn’t require you to leave your house or even have an internet connection or phone line. You can search in Microsoft Help a couple of ways. For instance, there is the Office Assistant, the cute and lovable (even sometimes annoying) little paperclip that appears when you first open Microsoft Word (this feature can be disabled if desired). When you have a question on how to perform a function, simply click on the animated paper clip type in what you are looking for help on and press enter. A list of relevant suggestions on how to do the functionality that you want to perform is displayed.

In addition, the Microsoft Help feature offers a substantial knowledgebase of instructions on how to perform specific Microsoft Office application functions. You can search by drilling down in the Contents section, typing in a question in the Answer Wizard section, or typing in a phrase or term in the index section to see all of the relevant help instructions that are available.

Temporary Employment Agencies
It may seem unusual to list a temporary agency as a place to get free training, but the opportunity does exist. Consider this; temporary agencies (such as Manpower, AppleOne, and Spherion to name a few) want their employees to have skills that are marketable to their clients so that they market that employee and get a contract, therefore getting paid. Lots of jobseekers coming to the agency are lacking the skills necessary to get them that a position, and that is not profitable. To get those employees up to speed, they offer free training tutorials on some of the most popular word processing packages. Most of these trainings are computer-based trainings that you have to schedule an appointment to come and learn, but they are self-paced so there is no rush. All you need to do to utilize this free training is register with a temporary employment agency (mainly ones specialize in administrative work) and then schedule an appointment for your free training.

by: Ramona Davidson

Free Microsoft Office Training Tutorial Resources Online

Microsoft Office is by far the most popular office suite that provides many features such as word processing, web publishing, spreadsheets and database creation. Tapping into these Microsoft Office resources, however, is not always easy and straightforward, leaving users stumped and puzzled.

So where can you find out how to use and perform these great features in Microsoft Office? Below I have listed some great, free resources for help with Microsoft Office.

Free Online Training Tutorials
There are a number of websites that offer free online Microsoft Office training tutorials. These training tutorials range from quick tips and tricks, to step-by-step instructions with screenshots to video tutorials. To find free online training tutorials, do a Google search (or any other search engine for that matter) for [free online training tutorials].

Microsoft Corporation’s Knowledge Base
It’s always good to get information first hand from the horse’s mouth, right? Well, to find out about Microsoft Office, go to the Microsoft website. There they offer tips and tricks on how to use Microsoft Office products, have a huge knowledgebase of frequently asked questions, any related patches to update or fix current application functionality, and even offer additional free downloads of templates and other tools to use with Microsoft Office applications. You can find the features just mentioned on the Microsoft website at for Windows PC users and for Apple Macintosh users.

Computer Help Bulletin Boards and Forums
People like to help. Pure and simple. Message boards are proof of this concept. Every day thousands of people log onto message boards and ask questions and receive prompt, free advice and answers. There are all kinds of message (bulletin) boards out there that specialize in computer software. One I’ve found that I like is They have users from all kinds of technical backgrounds with advice on just about every software application imaginable. They require membership to post a message (most forums and message boards do), but it is a quick and easy process. There are other computer training message boards out there, just do a Google search for [software forum] and you’ll be on your way.

Microsoft Office Training CDs
Not too many Microsoft Office training CDs are available for free, but there are a few available. For instance, Video Professor offers a wide variety of computer training resources for some of the most popular word processing, spreadsheet, database and graphics packages around. They have Microsoft Office training CDs for most of the Microsoft Office application packages. They offer you one free training CD, in the hopes that you will want to buy others. You can find the Video Professor website at

College and University Website Searches
Some of the best resources for computer help of any kind are college and university websites. They usually have instructions for faculty and staff on how to do computer functions from the most basic to quite advanced. They also provide screen shots lots of times that show you step by step how to perform a particular function. Some colleges have the latest technology like Microsoft Office XP (2003), but some universities still have Microsoft Office 2000 or even Microsoft Office 97, so no matter what version of Microsoft Office you have, there is most likely a free college or university resource where you can find useful information.

Microsoft Office Application’s Built-in Help Feature
By far, the quickest place to get help on using a Microsoft Office application is the built-in feature, Microsoft Help. Located on your menu bar, it is easy to access and doesn’t require you to leave your house or even have an internet connection or phone line. You can search in Microsoft Help a couple of ways. For instance, there is the Office Assistant, the cute and lovable (even sometimes annoying) little paperclip that appears when you first open Microsoft Word (this feature can be disabled if desired). When you have a question on how to perform a function, simply click on the animated paper clip type in what you are looking for help on and press enter. A list of relevant suggestions on how to do the functionality that you want to perform is displayed.

In addition, the Microsoft Help feature offers a substantial knowledgebase of instructions on how to perform specific Microsoft Office application functions. You can search by drilling down in the Contents section, typing in a question in the Answer Wizard section, or typing in a phrase or term in the index section to see all of the relevant help instructions that are available.

Temporary Employment Agencies
It may seem unusual to list a temporary agency as a place to get free training, but the opportunity does exist. Consider this; temporary agencies (such as Manpower, AppleOne, and Spherion to name a few) want their employees to have skills that are marketable to their clients so that they market that employee and get a contract, therefore getting paid. Lots of jobseekers coming to the agency are lacking the skills necessary to get them that a position, and that is not profitable. To get those employees up to speed, they offer free training tutorials on some of the most popular word processing packages. Most of these trainings are computer-based trainings that you have to schedule an appointment to come and learn, but they are self-paced so there is no rush. All you need to do to utilize this free training is register with a temporary employment agency (mainly ones specialize in administrative work) and then schedule an appointment for your free training.

by: Ramona Davidson

High School Information for Teachers, Students and Parents

High School Information for Teachers, Students and Parents

Silabus dan RPP by Request

Level: Silabus-RPP SD, MI, SMP, MTs, SMA, MA, SMK
Grade: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII

How do I request syllabus and lesson plan files?

it's very easy.. (only for Indonesian teachers)
click Post Comments to request your Syllabus and Lesson plans, don't forget to give your nickname, email or site, school name, lessons, grade and level!

The reason why we need syllabus or lesson plans
for free:

Most educators are always looking for new and exciting ways to write their lessons. The reason for this is that it is one of the most time consuming and difficult parts of the job for most. A free lesson plan for teacher sells a lot of educators on a certain product or tool that will make the process easier. Of course, the example needs to be something worth using to get educators to buy anything for themselves, but educators should never turn away a sample of a tool that may help. All over the Internet there are websites that may help with the process of writing lessons; you just may have to look around to find what works for you.

When you look around the internet for tools that will help you write your lessons you will find things big and small, free to expensive, and very simple to very complicated. If you are a educator that struggles with writing lessons every school year than you may want to search the Internet for a new tool or tools that will help you with the process. If you look around you are bound to find something that takes the pain out of writing lessons, in fact you may actually find a way to become very efficient at writing lessons so that you don't dread them so much.

There are many types of the file, .doc files, .zip files, .rar files and .pdf files that you could be download. If you get syllabus or lesson plan file which format is .pdf, it can be modify with your own name or school lesson plan, by convert this free Syllabus and Lesson Plan (Silabus-RPP) to word document file (.doc) using the converter software or online converter.

If you need to increase your download speed, try to use this free software:

Soon..!! available for Vocational High School (SMK) Syllabus and Lesson plans as your request.

(for better searching on Google, don't forget to type keyword "silabus" or "RPP"!)

Updated links by your request:

Contoh RPP Kimia
Silabus Kimia (X, XI dam XII)
RPP Kimia Kelas X semester 1 | semester 2
RPP Kimia Kelas XI semester 1 | semester 2
RPP Kimia Kelas XII semester 1 | semester 2

RPP Matematika SMK
Silabus PKN kelas X semester 1 dan 2
Silabus B. Inggris SMU

Silabus, RPP Bimbingan Konseling (BK) Kelas X
Silabus, RPP Bimbingan Konseling
(BK) Kelas XI
Silabus, RPP Bimbingan Konseling
(BK) Kelas XII

Silabus, RPP, KTSP SMP (10,337 Mb) zip files
Silabus, RPP SMA - TIK kelas X, XI dan XII (.zip)

Silabus, RPP Kewarganegaraan - PKN kelas X
Silabus, RPP Kewarganegaraan - PKN kelas XI
Silabus, RPP Kewarganegaraan - PKN kelas XII

RPP Fisika Kelas X semester 1 dan semester 2
RPP Fisika Kelas XI Semester 1 dan 2
RPP Fisika Kelas XII Semester 1

Silabus dan RPP Ekonomi SMP kelas VII (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Ekonomi SMP kelas VIII (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Ekonomi SMP kelas IX (.rar)

Silabus dan RPP Geografi Kelas X semester 1 dan 2 (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Geografi Kelas XI semester 1 dan 2 (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Geografi Kelas XII semester 1 dan 2 (.zip)

RPP teknik audio kelas XII .doc (sign up first)

Silabus dan RPP Seni Rupa SMA Kelas X
Silabus dan RPP Seni Rupa SMA Kelas XI
Silabus dan RPP Seni Rupa SMA Kelas XII

Silabus dan RPP Sosiologi SMA Kelas X
Silabus dan RPP Sosiologi SMA Kelas XI
Silabus dan RPP Sosiologi SMA Kelas XII

Silabus dan RPP Pendidikan Jasmani (Olahraga) :
Tingkat SMA
Silabus Penjas SMA kelas X, XI dan XII (.pdf)
RPP Penjas SMA Kelas X (.doc)
RPP Penjas SMA Kelas XI (.doc)
RPP Penjas SMA Kelas XII Semester 1 dan Semester 2 (.doc)

Tingkat SMP
RPP Penjas SMP Kelas VII (.zip)
RPP Penjas SMP Kelas VIII (.zip)
RPP Penjas SMP Kelas IX (.zip)

Islamic Lessons :
RPP Qur'an Hadits kelas X : Semester 1 | Semester 2
RPP Qur'an Hadits kelas XI
RPP Qur'an Hadits kelas XII

Silabus Fiqih kelas X, XI dan XII
RPP Fiqih kelas X (.doc) semester 1 dan 2
RPP Fiqih kelas XI (.doc) semester 1 dan 2
RPP Fiqih kelas XII (.doc) semester 1 dan 2

Silabus Agama Budha SMP
RPP Agama Budha SMA

Foreign Language
- Bahasa Jepang untuk pemula (.zip)
- Bahasa Jepang (.pdf)
- Pengenalan Bahasa Jepang (.doc)
- Soal Bahasa Jepang (.pps)
- Ulangan Harian Bahasa Jepang (.doc)
- Silabus Bahasa Mandarin Kelas X, XI dan XII (.rar)
- Silabus dan RPP Bahasa Jerman SMA (.rar)

Raport KTSP :

- Laporan Hasil Belajar (LHB-1)
- Laporan hasil Belajar (LHB-2)

Portofolio dan Sertifikasi Guru :
- Download Contoh Sertifikasi (.pdf)

Silabus dan RPP by Request

Level: Silabus-RPP SD, MI, SMP, MTs, SMA, MA, SMK
Grade: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII

How do I request syllabus and lesson plan files?

it's very easy.. (only for Indonesian teachers)
click Post Comments to request your Syllabus and Lesson plans, don't forget to give your nickname, email or site, school name, lessons, grade and level!

The reason why we need syllabus or lesson plans
for free:

Most educators are always looking for new and exciting ways to write their lessons. The reason for this is that it is one of the most time consuming and difficult parts of the job for most. A free lesson plan for teacher sells a lot of educators on a certain product or tool that will make the process easier. Of course, the example needs to be something worth using to get educators to buy anything for themselves, but educators should never turn away a sample of a tool that may help. All over the Internet there are websites that may help with the process of writing lessons; you just may have to look around to find what works for you.

When you look around the internet for tools that will help you write your lessons you will find things big and small, free to expensive, and very simple to very complicated. If you are a educator that struggles with writing lessons every school year than you may want to search the Internet for a new tool or tools that will help you with the process. If you look around you are bound to find something that takes the pain out of writing lessons, in fact you may actually find a way to become very efficient at writing lessons so that you don't dread them so much.

There are many types of the file, .doc files, .zip files, .rar files and .pdf files that you could be download. If you get syllabus or lesson plan file which format is .pdf, it can be modify with your own name or school lesson plan, by convert this free Syllabus and Lesson Plan (Silabus-RPP) to word document file (.doc) using the converter software or online converter.

If you need to increase your download speed, try to use this free software:

Soon..!! available for Vocational High School (SMK) Syllabus and Lesson plans as your request.

(for better searching on Google, don't forget to type keyword "silabus" or "RPP"!)

Updated links by your request:

Contoh RPP Kimia
Silabus Kimia (X, XI dam XII)
RPP Kimia Kelas X semester 1 | semester 2
RPP Kimia Kelas XI semester 1 | semester 2
RPP Kimia Kelas XII semester 1 | semester 2

RPP Matematika SMK
Silabus PKN kelas X semester 1 dan 2
Silabus B. Inggris SMU

Silabus, RPP Bimbingan Konseling (BK) Kelas X
Silabus, RPP Bimbingan Konseling
(BK) Kelas XI
Silabus, RPP Bimbingan Konseling
(BK) Kelas XII

Silabus, RPP, KTSP SMP (10,337 Mb) zip files
Silabus, RPP SMA - TIK kelas X, XI dan XII (.zip)

Silabus, RPP Kewarganegaraan - PKN kelas X
Silabus, RPP Kewarganegaraan - PKN kelas XI
Silabus, RPP Kewarganegaraan - PKN kelas XII

RPP Fisika Kelas X semester 1 dan semester 2
RPP Fisika Kelas XI Semester 1 dan 2
RPP Fisika Kelas XII Semester 1

Silabus dan RPP Ekonomi SMP kelas VII (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Ekonomi SMP kelas VIII (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Ekonomi SMP kelas IX (.rar)

Silabus dan RPP Geografi Kelas X semester 1 dan 2 (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Geografi Kelas XI semester 1 dan 2 (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Geografi Kelas XII semester 1 dan 2 (.zip)

RPP teknik audio kelas XII .doc (sign up first)

Silabus dan RPP Seni Rupa SMA Kelas X
Silabus dan RPP Seni Rupa SMA Kelas XI
Silabus dan RPP Seni Rupa SMA Kelas XII

Silabus dan RPP Sosiologi SMA Kelas X
Silabus dan RPP Sosiologi SMA Kelas XI
Silabus dan RPP Sosiologi SMA Kelas XII

Silabus dan RPP Pendidikan Jasmani (Olahraga) :
Tingkat SMA
Silabus Penjas SMA kelas X, XI dan XII (.pdf)
RPP Penjas SMA Kelas X (.doc)
RPP Penjas SMA Kelas XI (.doc)
RPP Penjas SMA Kelas XII Semester 1 dan Semester 2 (.doc)

Tingkat SMP
RPP Penjas SMP Kelas VII (.zip)
RPP Penjas SMP Kelas VIII (.zip)
RPP Penjas SMP Kelas IX (.zip)

Islamic Lessons :
RPP Qur'an Hadits kelas X : Semester 1 | Semester 2
RPP Qur'an Hadits kelas XI
RPP Qur'an Hadits kelas XII

Silabus Fiqih kelas X, XI dan XII
RPP Fiqih kelas X (.doc) semester 1 dan 2
RPP Fiqih kelas XI (.doc) semester 1 dan 2
RPP Fiqih kelas XII (.doc) semester 1 dan 2

Silabus Agama Budha SMP
RPP Agama Budha SMA

Foreign Language
- Bahasa Jepang untuk pemula (.zip)
- Bahasa Jepang (.pdf)
- Pengenalan Bahasa Jepang (.doc)
- Soal Bahasa Jepang (.pps)
- Ulangan Harian Bahasa Jepang (.doc)
- Silabus Bahasa Mandarin Kelas X, XI dan XII (.rar)
- Silabus dan RPP Bahasa Jerman SMA (.rar)

Raport KTSP :

- Laporan Hasil Belajar (LHB-1)
- Laporan hasil Belajar (LHB-2)

Portofolio dan Sertifikasi Guru :
- Download Contoh Sertifikasi (.pdf)

The Difference Between Student Loans And Scholarships

The issue about the rising cost of education is not new for everyone, be it for rich people or for the those just barely earning a living.

However, this is not of so much of a threat for those who want to enter college but are not capable to meet its expenses. This is because of the two choices made available for them, first is the scholarship programs. And the second is the student loans. They may apply to either of the two.

Basically, the scholarship gives off monetary award which do not require the beneficiary to repay it. Unlike the student loan, the money that was lent to the students will be paid after some time with the corresponding amount plus interests.

Hence, it seems to be apparent that taking a scholarship program is more convenient than the student loan. Yet, you should know that both still consists of its advantages and disadvantages.

In scholarship, the students need not worry about finances throughout his college years. Almost thousands of scholarships are made available yearly. The systems of the programs depend on the financial needs of a certain student.

Although, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are not intelligent because you were not be able to acquire a scholarship. There are various types of scholarship, one is for the intellectuals who acquire and maintain high grades. The other is the specific scholarships designed for the ones who excel in definite fields, for instance, in the field of sports, math, science, music, stage performers and others.

Those who belong in average I.Q. may still win a scholarship. They may not possess the remarkable level of intelligence to win a scholarship, but their talents may secure them one.

Moreover, there are also scholarships designed for certain races, minorities, and other sectors of the society that needs monetary support. And scholarship is not just confined to college students, the students who would want to pursue further study may also benefit.

There are also several institutions that offer scholarship programs to their members, examples of this are the religious organization and union groups, etc.

Now, if you think you won't be legible for any scholarship, there is still one option - student loans.

Student loans, as mentioned above is the financial aid given to the students to pay their tution with the agreement to repay it with the corresponding interests in a given period.

Scholarships do not require for repayment, but student loans do.

The advantage of a student loan is that it will give you freedom to move as a regular student, without the pressure of maintaining high grades and you can do your other activities without thinking of the conflict in the training schedules.

The hassle is when you would consider it, student loans need to be repaid the moment you graduate; you have to pay to the very last cent plus the interests.

If you are the bread winner of your family, paying for it will be another burden though you already have secured a job.

Anyhow, it will depend on you, the important thing is you finish your college education and secure a diploma, be it from a scholarship or through student loans.

The achievement of earning your college education amidst the hindrance of money is the thing you will always be proud of.
Author: Paul Hata
More information about :
- Scholarship
- Student Loan

The Difference Between Student Loans And Scholarships

The issue about the rising cost of education is not new for everyone, be it for rich people or for the those just barely earning a living.

However, this is not of so much of a threat for those who want to enter college but are not capable to meet its expenses. This is because of the two choices made available for them, first is the scholarship programs. And the second is the student loans. They may apply to either of the two.

Basically, the scholarship gives off monetary award which do not require the beneficiary to repay it. Unlike the student loan, the money that was lent to the students will be paid after some time with the corresponding amount plus interests.

Hence, it seems to be apparent that taking a scholarship program is more convenient than the student loan. Yet, you should know that both still consists of its advantages and disadvantages.

In scholarship, the students need not worry about finances throughout his college years. Almost thousands of scholarships are made available yearly. The systems of the programs depend on the financial needs of a certain student.

Although, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are not intelligent because you were not be able to acquire a scholarship. There are various types of scholarship, one is for the intellectuals who acquire and maintain high grades. The other is the specific scholarships designed for the ones who excel in definite fields, for instance, in the field of sports, math, science, music, stage performers and others.

Those who belong in average I.Q. may still win a scholarship. They may not possess the remarkable level of intelligence to win a scholarship, but their talents may secure them one.

Moreover, there are also scholarships designed for certain races, minorities, and other sectors of the society that needs monetary support. And scholarship is not just confined to college students, the students who would want to pursue further study may also benefit.

There are also several institutions that offer scholarship programs to their members, examples of this are the religious organization and union groups, etc.

Now, if you think you won't be legible for any scholarship, there is still one option - student loans.

Student loans, as mentioned above is the financial aid given to the students to pay their tution with the agreement to repay it with the corresponding interests in a given period.

Scholarships do not require for repayment, but student loans do.

The advantage of a student loan is that it will give you freedom to move as a regular student, without the pressure of maintaining high grades and you can do your other activities without thinking of the conflict in the training schedules.

The hassle is when you would consider it, student loans need to be repaid the moment you graduate; you have to pay to the very last cent plus the interests.

If you are the bread winner of your family, paying for it will be another burden though you already have secured a job.

Anyhow, it will depend on you, the important thing is you finish your college education and secure a diploma, be it from a scholarship or through student loans.

The achievement of earning your college education amidst the hindrance of money is the thing you will always be proud of.
Author: Paul Hata
More information about :
- Scholarship
- Student Loan

3 Steps To Getting An Online High School Education

Online high school education might make it possible for you to get your diploma. After you have left school, finishing your education is hard. There are a lot of barriers you have to overcome. High school doesn't fit well into the adult world you live in now, but you need that diploma in order to do what you want to with your life. Here are some ideas for getting your diploma using online high school education.

Step 1 - Assess

Start by looking at where you are and where you want to be. If you are only a couple of classes short of the requirements for high school graduation in your school district, maybe they offer the classes over the internet, and you could finish up and graduate from your home high school.

If you need more than a couple of classes to graduate, you could earn your diploma and graduate from an online high school, taking classes to meet their graduation requirements.

Look at where you want to be, too. If you are finishing high school for your own self development, or so that you can advance in your present job, online high school education classes might be what you need. If, however, you want to go to college after you get your diploma, you might be able to find "double duty" classes that will give you both high school and college credit, so that you can enter college ahead of the game.

Step 2 - Gather Information

There are four places you should look for online high school education classes: your local school district, community education in your area, local colleges and online high school education providers. Compare the requirements each program has for high school graduation, and what you would have to do to complete those requirements.

Look into ways to pay for your online high school education. If you are under 21, your local school district may be a good place to look for funding. Whether you get help from a local school district or not, you should be able to find a way to complete your high school education for free or at a low cost.

If you plan to enter college when you are done, find out what the entrance requirements are for your top three or four college choices. If they require two years of foreign language, for instance, it is much less expensive to take the classes as part of an online high school education than it is to make up the deficiency later.

Step 3 - Get started

Put together all the information you have gathered, and decide how you will go about getting an online high school education. Do the paperwork, go through the hoops and enroll in a class. You are on your way to completing your diploma through online high school education.

by: Dean Iggo

3 Steps To Getting An Online High School Education

Online high school education might make it possible for you to get your diploma. After you have left school, finishing your education is hard. There are a lot of barriers you have to overcome. High school doesn't fit well into the adult world you live in now, but you need that diploma in order to do what you want to with your life. Here are some ideas for getting your diploma using online high school education.

Step 1 - Assess

Start by looking at where you are and where you want to be. If you are only a couple of classes short of the requirements for high school graduation in your school district, maybe they offer the classes over the internet, and you could finish up and graduate from your home high school.

If you need more than a couple of classes to graduate, you could earn your diploma and graduate from an online high school, taking classes to meet their graduation requirements.

Look at where you want to be, too. If you are finishing high school for your own self development, or so that you can advance in your present job, online high school education classes might be what you need. If, however, you want to go to college after you get your diploma, you might be able to find "double duty" classes that will give you both high school and college credit, so that you can enter college ahead of the game.

Step 2 - Gather Information

There are four places you should look for online high school education classes: your local school district, community education in your area, local colleges and online high school education providers. Compare the requirements each program has for high school graduation, and what you would have to do to complete those requirements.

Look into ways to pay for your online high school education. If you are under 21, your local school district may be a good place to look for funding. Whether you get help from a local school district or not, you should be able to find a way to complete your high school education for free or at a low cost.

If you plan to enter college when you are done, find out what the entrance requirements are for your top three or four college choices. If they require two years of foreign language, for instance, it is much less expensive to take the classes as part of an online high school education than it is to make up the deficiency later.

Step 3 - Get started

Put together all the information you have gathered, and decide how you will go about getting an online high school education. Do the paperwork, go through the hoops and enroll in a class. You are on your way to completing your diploma through online high school education.

by: Dean Iggo

What Are Student Loans, Scholarships and Grants?

Let's suppose that you have a child who will be graduating soon from high school. Of course, you will feel happy, just like any proud parent who have their children graduating from high school.

It is one of the challenges of life that you have successfully surpassed, despite of the financial instabilities that you have probably experienced. It is time to celebrate, for you have fulfilled your responsibility of giving your child a bright future.

But as many would say, a high school graduation is not the end. In fact, it is just the beginning of tougher challenges that awaits you and your child in the succeeding years'college education.

At this point, you should start thinking about how you will finance the studies of your college-bound child. With the increasing cost of tuition fees, you need to plan ahead of time to avoid any misfortune, especially if you have experienced how to be financially-needing.

You know how hard it is to have both of your hands tied-up against the increasing cost of your child's high school education before. The sooner you start planning for the college education of your child, the less you will encounter financially-related problems later on.

If you think you will be faced again with financial problems, it is important that you know the different financial aid programs available for your college-bound child. Continue reading and learn the financial aids to lean on to:

Grants - it is the first type of college financial aid that you can apply for. It simply requires you to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form.

Once the application has been sent, it will be evaluated and if your child will qualify, he or she will be entitled to the full amount of what he/she qualifies for. At this point, you need not do anything much further except to provide the name of the college or university your child wants to enroll to.

Scholarships - although scholarship is commonly intended for students who have the "brains" but do not have the "fortune", not all college scholarships are bounded to academics. Students who do not have the best academic record can still qualify to other multitudes of college scholarships.

There you have the college sports scholarships, community service work scholarships, social involvement scholarships, and others. There are just the different types of scholarships for your child if he is not that talented when it comes to academics.

Student Loans - these type of loans have lower interest rates compared to other types of loans. There are instances where the loans are subsidized, which means that the interest does not accumulate until a student finishes college.

Furthermore, these loans does not require collateral, thus you do not have to worry about putting your own home as a collateral against the student loan for your child. Most of these loans are available on a variety of repayment plans at low interest rates and low monthly installment payments.

If you have not started searching for the various financial aid programs available, it is recommended that you start now. These financial aids will help you in the long run and will provide the funds needed for your child's college education. Get yourself free from financial worries through these aids.
Author: Paul Hata

What Are Student Loans, Scholarships and Grants?

Let's suppose that you have a child who will be graduating soon from high school. Of course, you will feel happy, just like any proud parent who have their children graduating from high school.

It is one of the challenges of life that you have successfully surpassed, despite of the financial instabilities that you have probably experienced. It is time to celebrate, for you have fulfilled your responsibility of giving your child a bright future.

But as many would say, a high school graduation is not the end. In fact, it is just the beginning of tougher challenges that awaits you and your child in the succeeding years'college education.

At this point, you should start thinking about how you will finance the studies of your college-bound child. With the increasing cost of tuition fees, you need to plan ahead of time to avoid any misfortune, especially if you have experienced how to be financially-needing.

You know how hard it is to have both of your hands tied-up against the increasing cost of your child's high school education before. The sooner you start planning for the college education of your child, the less you will encounter financially-related problems later on.

If you think you will be faced again with financial problems, it is important that you know the different financial aid programs available for your college-bound child. Continue reading and learn the financial aids to lean on to:

Grants - it is the first type of college financial aid that you can apply for. It simply requires you to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form.

Once the application has been sent, it will be evaluated and if your child will qualify, he or she will be entitled to the full amount of what he/she qualifies for. At this point, you need not do anything much further except to provide the name of the college or university your child wants to enroll to.

Scholarships - although scholarship is commonly intended for students who have the "brains" but do not have the "fortune", not all college scholarships are bounded to academics. Students who do not have the best academic record can still qualify to other multitudes of college scholarships.

There you have the college sports scholarships, community service work scholarships, social involvement scholarships, and others. There are just the different types of scholarships for your child if he is not that talented when it comes to academics.

Student Loans - these type of loans have lower interest rates compared to other types of loans. There are instances where the loans are subsidized, which means that the interest does not accumulate until a student finishes college.

Furthermore, these loans does not require collateral, thus you do not have to worry about putting your own home as a collateral against the student loan for your child. Most of these loans are available on a variety of repayment plans at low interest rates and low monthly installment payments.

If you have not started searching for the various financial aid programs available, it is recommended that you start now. These financial aids will help you in the long run and will provide the funds needed for your child's college education. Get yourself free from financial worries through these aids.
Author: Paul Hata

Educational Evaluation Quality - Good Results

An adequate educational evaluation enhances instruction. Just as evaluation impacts student learning and motivation, it also influences the nature of instruction in the classroom. There has been considerable recent literature that has promoted evaluation as something that is integrated with instruction. To her, when evaluation is integrated with instruction it informs teachers about what activities and assignments will be most useful, what level of teaching is most appropriate, and how summative evaluations provide diagnostic information. For instance, during instruction activities informal, formative evaluation helps teachers know when to move on, when to ask more questions, when to give more examples, and what responses to student questions are most appropriate. Standardized test scores, when used appropriately, help teachers understand student strengths and weaknesses to target further instruction.

Good assessment is valid and considers validity as a concept that needs to be fully understood. Like reliability, there are technical terms and issues associated with validity that are essential in helping teachers and administrators make reasonable and appropriate inferences from evaluation results (e.g., types of validity evidence, validity generalization, construct underrepresentation, construct-irrelevant variance, and discriminant and convergent evidence). Both intended and unintended consequences of evaluation need to be examined with appropriate evidence that supports particular arguments or points of view. Of equal importance is getting teachers and administrators to understand their role in gathering and interpreting validity evidence.

Good evaluation is fair and ethical and there are four views of fairness: as absence of bias (e.g., offensiveness and unfair penalization), as equitable treatment, as equality in outcomes, and as opportunity to learn. It includes entire chapters on the rights and responsibilities of test takers, testing individuals of diverse linguistic backgrounds, and testing individuals with disabilities or special needs.

According to his text, there are also three additional areas characterized as also important:

- Student knowledge of learning targets and the nature of the evaluations prior to instruction (e.g., knowing what will be tested, how it will be graded, scoring criteria, anchors, exemplars, and examples of performance).
- Student prerequisite knowledge and skills, including test-taking skills.
- Avoiding stereotypes.

Evaluation that is fair, leading to valid inferences with a minimum of error, is a series of measures that show student understanding through multiple methods. A complete picture of what students understand and can do is put together in pieces comprised by different approaches to evaluation. While testing experts and testing companies stress that important decisions should not be made on the basis of a single test score, some educators at the local level, and some (many?) politicians at the state at the national level, seem determined to violate this principle. There is a need to understand the entire range of evaluation techniques and methods, with the realization that each has limitations.

Good evaluation is efficient and feasible. Teachers and school administrators have limited time and resources. Consideration must be given to the efficiency of different approaches to evaluation, balancing needs to implement methods required to provide a full understanding with the time needed to develop and implement the methods, and score results. Teacher skills and knowledge are important to consider, as well as the level of support and resources.

We may consider a lot the importance in the fact of good evaluation appropriately incorporates technology. As technology advances and teachers become more proficient in the use of technology, there will be increased opportunities for teachers and administrators to use computer-based techniques (e.g., item banks, electronic grading, computer-adapted testing, computer-based simulations), Internet resources, and more complex, detailed ways of reporting results. There is to him, however, a danger that technology will contribute to the mindless use of new resources, such as using items on-line developed by some companies without adequate evidence of reliability, validity, and fairness, and crunching numbers with software programs without sufficient thought about weighting, error, and averaging.

To summarize, what is most essential about evaluation is understanding how general, fundamental evaluation principles and ideas can be used to enhance student learning and teacher effectiveness. This will be achieved as teachers and administrators learn about conceptual and technical evaluation concepts, methods, and procedures, for both large-scale and classroom evaluations, and apply these fundamentals to instruction.

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