Silabus dan RPP by Request

Level: Silabus-RPP SD, MI, SMP, MTs, SMA, MA, SMK
Grade: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII

How do I request syllabus and lesson plan files?

it's very easy.. (only for Indonesian teachers)
click Post Comments to request your Syllabus and Lesson plans, don't forget to give your nickname, email or site, school name, lessons, grade and level!

The reason why we need syllabus or lesson plans
for free:

Most educators are always looking for new and exciting ways to write their lessons. The reason for this is that it is one of the most time consuming and difficult parts of the job for most. A free lesson plan for teacher sells a lot of educators on a certain product or tool that will make the process easier. Of course, the example needs to be something worth using to get educators to buy anything for themselves, but educators should never turn away a sample of a tool that may help. All over the Internet there are websites that may help with the process of writing lessons; you just may have to look around to find what works for you.

When you look around the internet for tools that will help you write your lessons you will find things big and small, free to expensive, and very simple to very complicated. If you are a educator that struggles with writing lessons every school year than you may want to search the Internet for a new tool or tools that will help you with the process. If you look around you are bound to find something that takes the pain out of writing lessons, in fact you may actually find a way to become very efficient at writing lessons so that you don't dread them so much.

There are many types of the file, .doc files, .zip files, .rar files and .pdf files that you could be download. If you get syllabus or lesson plan file which format is .pdf, it can be modify with your own name or school lesson plan, by convert this free Syllabus and Lesson Plan (Silabus-RPP) to word document file (.doc) using the converter software or online converter.

If you need to increase your download speed, try to use this free software:

Soon..!! available for Vocational High School (SMK) Syllabus and Lesson plans as your request.

(for better searching on Google, don't forget to type keyword "silabus" or "RPP"!)

Updated links by your request:

Contoh RPP Kimia
Silabus Kimia (X, XI dam XII)
RPP Kimia Kelas X semester 1 | semester 2
RPP Kimia Kelas XI semester 1 | semester 2
RPP Kimia Kelas XII semester 1 | semester 2

RPP Matematika SMK
Silabus PKN kelas X semester 1 dan 2
Silabus B. Inggris SMU

Silabus, RPP Bimbingan Konseling (BK) Kelas X
Silabus, RPP Bimbingan Konseling
(BK) Kelas XI
Silabus, RPP Bimbingan Konseling
(BK) Kelas XII

Silabus, RPP, KTSP SMP (10,337 Mb) zip files
Silabus, RPP SMA - TIK kelas X, XI dan XII (.zip)

Silabus, RPP Kewarganegaraan - PKN kelas X
Silabus, RPP Kewarganegaraan - PKN kelas XI
Silabus, RPP Kewarganegaraan - PKN kelas XII

RPP Fisika Kelas X semester 1 dan semester 2
RPP Fisika Kelas XI Semester 1 dan 2
RPP Fisika Kelas XII Semester 1

Silabus dan RPP Ekonomi SMP kelas VII (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Ekonomi SMP kelas VIII (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Ekonomi SMP kelas IX (.rar)

Silabus dan RPP Geografi Kelas X semester 1 dan 2 (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Geografi Kelas XI semester 1 dan 2 (.zip)
Silabus dan RPP Geografi Kelas XII semester 1 dan 2 (.zip)

RPP teknik audio kelas XII .doc (sign up first)

Silabus dan RPP Seni Rupa SMA Kelas X
Silabus dan RPP Seni Rupa SMA Kelas XI
Silabus dan RPP Seni Rupa SMA Kelas XII

Silabus dan RPP Sosiologi SMA Kelas X
Silabus dan RPP Sosiologi SMA Kelas XI
Silabus dan RPP Sosiologi SMA Kelas XII

Silabus dan RPP Pendidikan Jasmani (Olahraga) :
Tingkat SMA
Silabus Penjas SMA kelas X, XI dan XII (.pdf)
RPP Penjas SMA Kelas X (.doc)
RPP Penjas SMA Kelas XI (.doc)
RPP Penjas SMA Kelas XII Semester 1 dan Semester 2 (.doc)

Tingkat SMP
RPP Penjas SMP Kelas VII (.zip)
RPP Penjas SMP Kelas VIII (.zip)
RPP Penjas SMP Kelas IX (.zip)

Islamic Lessons :
RPP Qur'an Hadits kelas X : Semester 1 | Semester 2
RPP Qur'an Hadits kelas XI
RPP Qur'an Hadits kelas XII

Silabus Fiqih kelas X, XI dan XII
RPP Fiqih kelas X (.doc) semester 1 dan 2
RPP Fiqih kelas XI (.doc) semester 1 dan 2
RPP Fiqih kelas XII (.doc) semester 1 dan 2

Silabus Agama Budha SMP
RPP Agama Budha SMA

Foreign Language
- Bahasa Jepang untuk pemula (.zip)
- Bahasa Jepang (.pdf)
- Pengenalan Bahasa Jepang (.doc)
- Soal Bahasa Jepang (.pps)
- Ulangan Harian Bahasa Jepang (.doc)
- Silabus Bahasa Mandarin Kelas X, XI dan XII (.rar)
- Silabus dan RPP Bahasa Jerman SMA (.rar)

Raport KTSP :

- Laporan Hasil Belajar (LHB-1)
- Laporan hasil Belajar (LHB-2)

Portofolio dan Sertifikasi Guru :
- Download Contoh Sertifikasi (.pdf)